CityMoS, the game-changing platform that provides an accurate and reliable simulation of transportation networks, enables urban planners and transport authorities to make informed decisions on city-wide mobility. Our digital twin solution provides a high-detail mid-term and long-term virtual testbed for almost all mobility-related challenges including traffic impact analysis, electrification and public transport planning.
CityMoS 5 is the latest release of our high-performance and microscopic mobility simulator capable of simulating city-scale transport systems at high resolution on affordable consumer hardware. The new version includes improved driver behaviour models, upgraded travel demand and assignment features, an overhauled and modern UI to equip simulationists with powerful simulation generation tools, and much more.
Don’t just take our word for it! Request your 30-day CityMoS trial today to try our latest version yourself! Our trial version includes two prepared simulation scenarios, equipped with a variety of features ranging from private transport to electric and conventional buses with depots and termini to underground trains and stations.
Request your free trial version at https://citymos.net/get-citymos/ now!